Dr. James Lynch
is a board member of The American
Institute of Stress, on the staff of the
Cardiovascular Rehabilitation
Program at Lifebridge Health, and
Director of the Life Care Health Centre
in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. For more
than 30 years, he served on the full-
time medical school faculties of the
Johns Hopkins University, the
University of Pennsylvania,
and the University of Maryland.
In 1977, he became the first to
document how loneliness
contributed to all forms of premature
death, especially from heart disease.
His much publicised and
oft-cited best-seller:
“The Broken Heart: The Medical
Consequences of Loneliness”,
caused a social and medical stir both
wide and deep, and was translated
into 10 languages. Dr. James Lynch
is held by many leading medical
experts around the world as a pioneer
and visionary in the field of
mind/body/interpersonal health.
In his latest ground breaking work
“A Cry Unheard. New Insights into
the Medical Consequences of
Loneliness, Lynch sets forth a major
hidden cause of heart disease, the
industrialised nations’ leading killer,
and recommends a provocative
set of solutions.