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Peter Hübner
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Scientists from Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for Self Awareness
PETER HUEBNER: So one can at least say, that self-awareness can not be localised in our brain – at least not in the context of the first five main states of consciousness and for sure not in the context of the first three main states of consciousness.
is a graceful form
of self-awareness.”
M. v. Ebner-Eschenbach
But any still fairly naturally feeling man within the first three main states of consciousness would agree to this by his own instinct.
Hardly anyone naturally puts his hands at his head if he, lively gesticulating, speaks of himself. This instinct has its natural cause and should make the neuroscientists think, who are so impressed by the brain, as it seems to be so complicated.

GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: The scientist living in the framework of the first three main states of consciousness can quite agree with this by his own experience.
“If true unknown territory is entered, it is possible, that the structure of thinking, too, has to change, in order to understand and penetrate the new.”
Werner Heisenberg
Physicist, Astrophysicist, Nobel Laureate
PETER HUEBNER: And yet, in the context of its universal function of regenerating, our self leaves its trace, next to others, also in our brain – when it, via our mentioned inner creative organs of cognition intellect, feeling and understanding.  
is the source
of all knowledge”
From China
“I believe, that we carry a spark of that eternal light within us,
which must shine at the basis of being
and which our weak senses can only guess at
from a distance.
To let this spark become a flame within us and
to realise the divine within us,
is our highest duty.”
as furthermore via our inner organs of ‘perception’ (hearing, touching, seeing, tasting, smelling), passes life energy, life intelligence and life harmony: our innermost concentrated vitality on to our mind, and where the mind then – as good as he is able to in the framework of the first three main states of consciousness – passes a part of it further on to our neurophysiology, particularly: to our brain, that great coordination centre: the highest servant of our neurophysiology.  
“The only real valuable thing is intuition”
Albert Einstein
“The most important
discovery in my life is
that we live in a
loving universe.”
Albert Einstein
“The brothers,
who let themselves be guided by
scientific curiosity alone,
will stand empty-handed at the day of judgment.
I preferred, they filled themselves with vital energy.
Then God were with them in the hour of need.
For in the hour of need and hardship books are
no good for nothing and will remain in the shelf.
Vital energy, however,
will turn the hardship to the better.”
Saint Francis
And so the neuroscientists then come across the meagre changes here, which the mind in the context of the first three main states of consciousness is able to activate in the brain with that remaining rest of ‘information’ possessing hardly any dynamism any more.
“That is the damned thing
with the small circumstances
that they make the soul small.”
Henrik Ibsen
“The first drink out of the beaker
of natural science
makes atheist,
but at the bottom of the beaker
waits God.”
Werner Heisenberg
Nobel Laureate in Physics
“Who lives by the
mind alone
has not understood life!”
Prof. Gerd Uhlenbruck
Immune biologist
And in the limited framework of their first three main states of consciousness, the neuroscientists than think in all scientific seriousness to have discovered ‘the brain regions responsible for self-awareness’.  
“Matter as such does not exist,
there is only the life giving, invisible,
eternal spirit as primordial ground of matter ... ,
which I do not fight shy, to call God.”
Max Planck
Nobel Laureate in Physics
“The most
incomprehensible thing
about the universe is,
basically, that we
can comprehend it.”
Albert Einstein
As already said: the ‘dung of the cow’ they have found – but they should at once go in search of the cosmic ‘cow’ as the much more interesting author of it, before this universal personality will withdraw to his fields far beyond the self.  
“I want to know how God created this world.
I am not interested in one or another phenomenon,
in the spectrum of one or another element.
I want to know his thoughts,
everything else are only details.”
Albert Einstein
I hope I succeeded with these simple explanations to inspire these scientists and their colleagues for a more realistic and promising scientific approach to those highly interesting aspects of ‘consciousness’ as well as ‘self-awareness’, which are essential to life, well: downright essential for survival.
is more important
than knowledge.”
Albert Einstein
“At once now turn inside:
the centre you will find there inside,
no noble man may have a doubt about it.
No rule you will find there to be missing:
for the independent conscience
is the sun for your ethic day.”
If not – then the course of time will correct the matters – as it has done it at all times: especially in science.
“Who has made a mistake
and does not correct it,
makes a second one.”
Medical Music Preparations on CD
Listening Program:
General Stress Symptoms
RRR 932 General Stress Symptoms
RRR 931
RRR 940
RRR 934
RRR 102
RRR 132
RRR 129
RRR 112
RRR 134

If you click on the title of the program,
it will lead you to the scientific research.