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The Cosmic
Education Program


Peter Hübner
Developer of the University


Faculty of

Logical Path

Theoretical Fundamentals


Scientific Research

Medical Music
Preparations on CD



Astronomy of Mind EQ x IQ

Hall of Harmony

International Experts

Educational Program

Scientific Research

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Application to the University



Scientists from Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for Self Awareness
PETER HUEBNER: It would be very nice, if we could study ‘self-awareness’ with material scientific methods, but with the conventional methodology this is only possible in regard to its neurophysiological effects – but with this the scientist can also be very happy.
“Generally speaking one may probably say, that in the history of human thinking very often the most fruitful developments came about, where two different kinds of thinking have met.

These different kinds of thinking may have their roots in different areas of human culture or in different times or in different cultural environments or different religious traditions.

If only they do really meet, that is, if they come into relation with each other that far, that a genuine interaction takes place, then one can hope, that new and interesting developments follow.”
Werner Heisenberg
Nobel Laureate in Physics
Heathendom and Christianity
The manifold scientific research results, which have been achieved by the incorruptible genius of scientific research with the Medical Resonance Therapy Music in many parts of the world, bear irrefutable witness for the authentic development of efficiency in the field of ‘self-awareness’ and its effects in neurophysiology as well as in physiology.

‘The authentic development of self-awareness supports health universally and lasting’, is the unanimous summary of the involved researchers.
How this happens in detail, this will be the next phase of the scientific investigations.
“With an infinite intuition
the soul hears tones,
which the ear
does not hear,
and sees,
what remains
hidden to the eyes,
throughout all times,
spaces and beyond.
Without boundaries,
primordial is the soul’s knowledge –
its memory.”
I Ging
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: “Results so far have inspired us, to deepen our knowledge in the different areas. The point is also to make an ancient natural branch of medicine utilizable for our time and make it serve health. This is a challenging task”, we hear from Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Reznikov, one of the most important hormone researchers of the Union of Independent States (former Soviet-Union), head of the Laboratory for Neurohormonal Control of Human Reproduction at the famous research institute for neuroendocrinology in Kiew, Ukraine.

But the researchers at the University of Tuebingen and their British colleagues form the Universities of London, Cambridge and Oxford are not primarily concerned with health, but with investigating the brain regions responsible for self-awareness.
PETER HUEBNER: When investigating the basis for those universal effects of ‘self-awareness’, next to others also in the brain, these researchers will most likely experience a similar ‘landing’ as before them already the physicists experienced it with their famous, and meanwhile rather infamous, ‘gravity’.  
“Because you have
your eyes open,
you believe to see.”
“To practice astronomy means
to think the thoughts of God.”
Johannes Kepler
For the researchers in consciousness it would be appropriate to first delve into the knowledge and/or considerations of Newton and Einstein in regard to this ‘gravitation’ – the true seat of which has not been found by the scientists until today –, in order to get a little foretaste for their further investigations.
“The wonderful arrangement and
harmony of the cosmos
would only originate in the plan of an
almighty omniscient being.
This is and remains my greatest comprehension.”
Isaac Newton
“One has the impression, that modern physics is based on assumptions,
which somehow resemble the smile of a cat,
which is not there.”
Albert Einstein
“What relates to reality, is not certain,
and what is certain, is not real.”
Albert Einstein
Medical Music Preparations on CD
Listening Program:
Concentration / Memory
RRR 128 Concentration / Memory
RRR 931
RRR 941
RRR 130

If you click on the title of the program,
it will lead you to the scientific research.