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Scientists from Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for Self Awareness
PETER HUEBNER: Because in their judgement they orientate at composers in their environment, to whom they have access, but who lack the authentic personal insight into this metier.

GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: You already commented on it in more detail elsewhere.
Now the “INNOVATION REPORT  – Forum for Science, Industry and Economy”, respectively the scientists involved in the research go on writing or saying:

“The distinction between self and foreign is a biological necessity of all living beings. On the other hand the ability to reflect on oneself and one’s own perceptions, is one of the highest cognitive performances. As a test for reflexive self-awareness goes the “Mirror-Test” performed in the seventies by G. Gallup and B. Amsterdam. Only small children from the 18th month on and adult chimpanzees recognise themselves in the mirror. This ability is attributed to the existence of self-awareness.”

PETER HUEBNER: By no means the distinction between self and foreign is a biological necessity of all living beings – such a “biological necessity” would be a cosmic disaster for it would limit evolution and therefore block our human development.
“The most important result
of all education
is self-cognition.”
Ernst Freiherr von Feuchtersleben

“It is not great to be this or that,
but to be yourself.”
Søren Kierkegaard
Here I sense the atheist influence of the German Lutheran Church in the University of Tuebingen.

With this dogma the blind, fanatic left-wing missionaries have chased God out of their churches as a foreigner – and this is the reason why now the flock runs away from the church everywhere; and the same it tries now in the university.
“The greatest wealth
is self-sufficiency.
Create your own Gods
and refrain
from staining yourself
with a mean religion.”
Epikur of Samos
“In Germany it is the theologians,
who put an end to the Good Lord.”
Heinrich Heine
“It is the continuously fought, never waning battle against scepticism and dogmatism, against disbelief and superstition, which religion and science fight together and the password giving the direction goes always and for all future: to God!”
Max Planck
Nobel Laureate in Physics
“The right, true church is a very small crowd,
has no or very little reputation,
lies under the cross.
But the false church is magnificent,
blossoms and has a great reputation like Sodom.”
Martin Luther
PETER HUEBNER: This distinction between self and foreign as well as the scientific evaluation regarding this phenomenon of ‘distinction between self and foreign’ is only valid for the first three main states of consciousness.  
“There are people,
who believe that they exactly know the bird,
they have seen the egg,
out of which it crawled.”
Heinrich Heine
“If the terms are not correct,
then the words are not right;
and if the words are not right
then also the works
do not come about.”
From the fourth main state of consciousness on the whole situation looks already different – and so it is with the (scientific) evaluation of it.
“Pluck up new courage!
No night is that long
that not finally the bright morning will break!”
And with every leap to further main states of consciousness there is again a totally different – partly even opposite – picture, and the very same is true then for scientific evaluation.  
“Every man can be wrong.
only the fool
will persist in error.”
Medical Music Preparations on CD
Listening Program:
Neurodermatitis / Psoriasis
RRR 933 Neurodermatitis / Psoriasis
RRR 114
RRR 931
RRR 937

If you click on the title of the program,
it will lead you to the scientific research.