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Peter Hübner
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Scientists from Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for Self Awareness
“In the fatherland do write,
what you like:
there are bonds of love,
there is your world!”
Statements and additional comments to the publishing of the “INNOVATION REPORT  – Forum for Science, Industry and Economy”: “Scientists from Tuebingen discover the brain regions responsible for self-awareness”
“An outwardly diversion
which smashes within itself
asks for inner renewing
which holds the sense together.”
On the basis of the publication “INNOVATION REPORT  – Forum for Science, Industry and Economy” the GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM had the opportunity to talk with the classical composer and musicologist Peter Huebner – who at present is also one of the most important researchers in consciousness – about the aspect of consciousness research in the field of medicine, specially in the field of neurophysiology.
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: Herr Huebner, more recently you elaborated very inspiringly on “The Significance of Our Consciousness to Medicine”. This was in an interview, which Medicine – Current Affairs recorded in Hawaii after your sensational lecture The Significance of the Soul to Medicine on the “11th International Congress on Stress” of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STRESS.

This interview of Medicine – Current Affairs on The Significance of Our Consciousness to Medicine was followed by an interview with Nature Medicine – Current Affairs with the title The Significance of the Soul to Human Evolution”, where you comment on the “theory of soulless men” – as you call it –, and its spreading by many modern neuroscientists.

Then the GERMAN EDUCATION FORUM published your conversation with them, where you commented very critically on German education – here you speak of the system of “Artificial Intelligence”, holding it responsible for the manifold crises and problems under which our present-day society is groaning. The well-known “Tragedy of Erfurt” is the reason for your harsh critical investigation regarding the “Backgrounds, Culprits, People Responsible and Victims” of this terrible tragedy.

As is known, you are not a newcomer in the field of consciousness and its importance in society – for this is, according to your explanations in quite a lot of interviews, the archetypal metier of the classical composer – I think here of the famous “SPIEGEL-INTERVIEWS”: THE CLASSICAL SPIEGEL-AFFAIR, THE MEDICAL SPIEGEL-AFFAIR and THE MUSICAL SPIEGEL-AFFAIR. And in the same way you explain it in your essay about your symphonic creation.

In the course of our conversation we will certainly also pay some attention to other analyses of consciousness by you. I think here in particular of your opera “Curse or Blessing: yet” as well as your commentary on the EDDA – probably the oldest records of German or maybe even of European tradition – which caused a lot of sensation.

And also your Island of Happiness, dealing in a systematic manner with the Brothers Grimm’s scientific investigations in the field of mythology, shall be mentioned here – also here, after all, it is essentially about consciousness.

Well, this was quite a long introduction – but we consider it to be useful for those among our readers, who up to now only know you from your musical-creative side, but for whom your philosophical-intellectual side is still new; for in this way they also come to know this aspect of yours and learn here, where they may have a further look around.

But now to our interview: here it is about a publication in the “INNOVATION REPORT  – Forum for Science, Industry and Economy” with the title: “Scientists of Tuebingen discover the brain regions responsible for self-awareness”.

And as awareness falls into your innermost domain, and in consequence of course also “self-awareness”, therefore we thought, that especially a discussion with you about this scientific publication could be of general interest – and in particular after your comments to this topic I think I am on the right track here.

Medical Music Preparations on CD
Listening Program:
Headache / Migraine
RRR 133 Headache / Migraine
RRR 931
RRR 934
RRR 942
RRR 102
RRR 933

If you click on the title of the program,
it will lead you to the scientific research.